Steps to Clean the
Evaporator in a
Standard Way
Steps to clean the evaporator with the
New Eco System Valve
Patent No. Us 11,761,654 B1
Recover gas freon from the system (30-45 min)
It is not necessary to recover the refrigerant.
You save 30 minutes
Cut the copper tubes
When pressure reaches 0, disconnect the Eco system valve
Clean evaporator with solvents
Clean evaporator with solvents
Weld the copper tubes
(15 min) and perform a
leak test
Connect the valves, no soldering is necessary. Proceed to perform the test.
Take the test
Take the test
Vacuum the system
(30-40 min)
Vacuum the system
(less than 3 min) then reconnect to the team. You save 37 min
Charge the system
with refrigerant
(20 min)
Not Needed
You save 20 minutes
Total Time:
1:30 to 2:45 hours
Requires 2 Technicians
Total Time:
35 min to 45 min
Requires 1 Technician
More tools
Fewer tools
It is not necessary
to go outside at any time.
Eco-Friendly system [ GWP ] is Global Warming Potential our system guarantees that by not having to remove the Refrigerant Outside the Air Conditioning System there is no danger of it being released into the atmosphere.